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Copper Access

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SubLLU Service

SubLLU service brings the end subscriber even closer to Telco.

Telcos have the opportunity to make use of the copper network between OTE’s outdoor cabinets (SubLLU Service), by installing their equipment near them and thus ensuring the provision of highspeed services.

In the context of fixed telephony network upgrade, SubLLU is the corner stone in developing big scale infrastructure projects, such as rural project and deploying vectoring & super vectoring technology in cabinets. 

Based on SubLLU service, Telcos that engage in NGA cabinet rollout, have the opportunity to offer broadband retail and wholesale products.  That way, fixed telephony market gains greater flexibility combined with variety of choices in facilitating the end user.

SubLLU functions are solidly based on LLU provision and fault procedures, specialized in the nature of the service. The geographical areas that the service is provided are directly related to Telcos’ investment plans, which are also subject to regulation. 

SubLLU is the new and rapidly evolving wholesale copper access product, which ensures market growth and aims to better service quality for consumers & the implementation of the European Digital Agenda. 

Telcos with OTE WHOLESALE constantly by their side, enjoy simpler and agile procedures regarding service delivery and optimum fault management, being sure that copper technical capabilities are fully exploited as a means of providing telephony and broadband services.



Through LLU & SubLLU services a wide range of benefits is provided:

  • Access to more than 4 million access lines
  • Nationwide coverage in more than 2000 Local Exchanges, all around Greece
  • Maintenance & fault repair by OTE’s highly skilled personnel
  • High level of availability & service management


For SubLLU service pricelist please press here


For SubLLU Technical Description, please watch the following video:


Related Documents

RUO 2018
RUO 2018
Τεχνική Περιγραφή Υπηρεσιών LLU/SubLLU
LLU/SubLLU Technical Presentation



What does the term regulated product mean? How does regulation affect Colocation, LLU & SubLLU products?

Regulated products are not affected by the market rules but are subject to specific regulatory framework (Reference Offer), which is introduced by the competent public authority.

Colocation, LLU & SubLLU products are described at the Unbundling Reference Offer (RUO), published by the Hellenic Telecommunications & Posts Committee (Greek NRA).

RUO describes thoroughly all the order and fault management procedures of the main products and their supplementary services.

What is the difference between Colocation service for LLU & Colocation for SubLLU?

The difference between the two services lies at the point where the Telcos install their equipment.

Colocation oriented for LLU service, requires that the provider installs its equipment inside specially formed space situated within OTE Local Exchanges (Physical Colocation Service) or outside of the Local Exchanges (Remote Colocation).

Colocation oriented for SubLLU service on the other hand, requires that the Telco installs its equipment inside own cabinet, at close distance to OTE’s KV.

What is the difference between the LLU & the SubLLU service?

The difference between the two services lies at the demarcation point.

LLU service ends at the OTE’s Local Exchange, while the SubLLU service at the OTE’s KV.

Due to this difference, SubLLU service is fit to provide better service quality, although the provision conditions differ widely between the two access services.

Are there any compulsory measures for the use of LLU & SubLLU?

Providers that foresee to be introduced into the LLU & SubLLU market, need to carry out a series of prerequisite actions, relevant to all OTE wholesale services’, (e.g. Service Agreement signing, access to WCRM OTE information systems and others) more information here.

Moreover, colocation services should be active at the regions of Telcos’ interest, according to the regulatory framework conditions and backhaul network for LLU & SubLLU data transfer, should be in service.

How are Colocation, LLU & SubLLU orders being handled by OTE?

OTE WHOLESALE receives Colocation, LLU & SubLLU orders exclusively via WCRM LLU.

Service Level Agreements are defined in the RUO Reference Offer for the majority of order types and are handled based on the date of introduction in WCRM LLU.

Any questions related to LLU & SubLLU services, are submitted via specially configured tool in WCRM LLU, while for Colocation matters the mailing list is available.

How are possible faults being handled for Colocation, LLU & SubLLU?

OTE makes the most effort to maintain and optimize the copper network, over which LLU & subLLU services are provided.

However, given the nature of the network, faults happen and are announced to OTE per subscriber’s line, exclusively via the WCRM LLU on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. A Web Services API interface is also provided for communication with OTE’s WCRM LLU.

The sorts of faults, restoring procedures and relevant SLAs, are thoroughly described in RUO Reference Offer.

Any questions regarding fault announcements can be submitted via specially configured tool in WCRM LLU.

As far as Colocation is concerned and due to particularity of the service, fault announcement and follow up is conducted by Telcos' Help Desk on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year.

Fault announcement is made by completing the Damage Report and sending it to Telcos' Help Desk (THD).

How are Colocation, LLU & SubLLU services charged?

Every Telco receives invoices on a monthly basis for Colocation, LLU & SubLLU services.

In the invoices, all billing information is listed thoroughly, arranged by service line and type of order.

The RUO Reference Offer describes in depth all issues of invoice payments, related time restrictions and procedures, concerning wholesale services’ transactions.