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Wholesale Leased Lines Ethernet & Analogue Technology

Wholesale Leased Lines Ethernet and Analogue Technology are used by a Telco to interconnect either its own nodes or one of its clients to its network with dedicated and transparent transmission capacity.


  • extensive national coverage in more than 2000 Local Exchanges
  • advantageous solutions adapted to the special needs of Telco
  • high level of availability and service management
  • flexible use of a range of capacities


  • Development of the backbone network providing extended commercial activities of a Telco to new points of presence without additional investment and operating costs.
  • Connection with Physical Colocation (PC) to carry traffic from and to the Telco's proprietary DSLAM nodes and to provide broadband services.
  • Connection with clients and provision of integrated services, for carrying of large amounts of data, and create of single corporate networks.

For  WLL Ethernet, PDH/SDH and Analogue Technology services pricelist please press here


For Ethernet Technical Description, please watch the following video:



Related Documents

Reference Offer WLL
Reference Offer WLL
Τεχνική περιγραφή ΜΓΧ Ethernet
Leased Lines - Ethernet Technical Presentation
PoP WLL Ethernet
Pop WLL Ethernet
WLL Analogue/PDH/SDH
WLL Analogue/PDH/SDH

WLL Ethernet FAQs

How can I place an order for Wholesale Ethernet Services?

The basic condition is that you must be a licensed Telco by NRA.

You will then need to contact the OTE Wholesale Directorate so as to enter the Wholesale official customer list and then sign the respective Leased Lines Wholesale contract. Upon completion of the signing of the agreement by both parties, you will receive the necessary information for your access to the Ordering and Management Information System (WEPL).

What is the approximate time required to activate an Ethernet service that I have ordered?

Activation time depends on the product you have ordered as well as the complexity of the implementation.

For more information, please refer to the Wholesale Leased Lines Reference Offer.

Is it mandatory to have a pre-existing Telco PoP in order to be eligible to activate Ethernet related services?

Yes, it is mandatory. Upon ordering circuits, at least one of the two ends of the circuit has to be a Telco own PoP.

In which cases of Ethernet services does the urban (Metro) circuit charge apply?

If both ends (PoPs) of the circuit are within the same Ethernet Urban Area, the circuit is charged as urban (Metro Ethernet).

Otherwise, the circuit is charged as a long distance, and the billing zone is determined depending on the straight line distance (in km) between the two respective Ethernet nodes.

For more information, please refer to Appendix II of the Wholesale Leased Lines Reference Offer.

Is it possible to simultaneously transfer my client endpoint and upgrade it?

No, those two requests cannot be met simultaneously.

Depending on the needs of your end-customer, you will decide the first request you put and once completed you will then be able to put the second one.

What happens if a visit by a technician is required at the end-customers’ site/PoP?

If an OTE field technician needs to visit your end-customers’ site, he/she will contact the person in charge at the site that has been specified in your appointment request.

How to announce and manage faults?

Fault to repair process, and the relevant SLAs, is fully described in WLL Reference Offer.

Fault announcement and monitoring is performed by Fault Center for providers, on a 24/7 basis.

In order to announce a fault you should fill out the relevant Fault Notice Form and send it to the single Center for Fault Announcements (ΕΒΚ) by e-mail at